Listen to my band Half Life Half Death's songs recorded in 1994.
Listen to studio-recorded songs by Dream Kitchen: "16 Hours" and "Bike Ride" (2005). The chefs of Dream Kitchen are former Half Life Half Death members. Read the story of the kitchen.
Listen to "Girl in Mind" and "The Ghost in You" by The Rain: a collaborative musical project of former Half Life Half Death lead guitarist, Rain Paggao, and his mentor/brother JB Paggao.
Read the stories behind "Butterflies" and "Alimango" (lyrics and band photographs included). Read Half Life Half Death on Wikipedia.
Watch the video of "Butterflies" here. A friend of mine, Rose Moya, made an awesome picture video of the same song; watch it here. Watch a homemade video I stumbled upon YouTube.comthat employed Half Life Half Death's "Kapit-Tuko": I called the video "Walis Tambo."

Listen to studio-recorded songs by Dream Kitchen: "16 Hours" and "Bike Ride" (2005). The chefs of Dream Kitchen are former Half Life Half Death members. Read the story of the kitchen.
Listen to "Girl in Mind" and "The Ghost in You" by The Rain: a collaborative musical project of former Half Life Half Death lead guitarist, Rain Paggao, and his mentor/brother JB Paggao.
Read the stories behind "Butterflies" and "Alimango" (lyrics and band photographs included). Read Half Life Half Death on Wikipedia.
Watch the video of "Butterflies" here. A friend of mine, Rose Moya, made an awesome picture video of the same song; watch it here. Watch a homemade video I stumbled upon YouTube.comthat employed Half Life Half Death's "Kapit-Tuko": I called the video "Walis Tambo."
Watch "16 Hours," the first music video of Dream Kitchen.
At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:18:00 AM,
talk said…
How come the date of your last post is dec 2006? :-)
At Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:20:00 AM,
eLf ideas said…
Hehehe...so that this introductory entry always stays on top.
At Thursday, August 03, 2006 3:26:00 AM,
talk said…
hi elf..nice trick! Can i be part of the elf's friends? By the way, nice downloads...
At Thursday, August 03, 2006 10:01:00 AM,
eLf ideas said…
thank you very much for fluttering by. oh, by the way, I visited your link but I couldn't read your entries.
At Friday, September 22, 2006 2:39:00 AM,
Miss F said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Friday, September 22, 2006 2:44:00 AM,
Miss F said…
hello there...so wonderful to disc0ver your blog! it brought me to the rebellious times of yore (when my problems weren't about my money and cellulite but rather, my at-that-time-seemingly-overcontrolling mom) . I was 12-16 years old then and was obssessed with Rock n Rhythm and LA 105.9 where ofc0urse i had a dose Mutiny, Backdraft,Phil. violaTors, bad omen, WUDS, Gnash, Rizal Underground, etc. and ofc0urse YOUR MUSIC...your single ALIMANGO was awesome, man! you guys were really slammin'~
now I'm 25yo and i still look fondly on the good ole days! when music had balls and quite unlike the generic stuff you hear nowaDays (some really wonderful bands came out but some just do a joyless rehash of some old tunes; not only can't they write their own songs, seems like they can't even tune their guitars~)... what sets your band from the rest was the social consciousness/awareness which is truly lacking in many bands nowadays.
like i said im so happy to disc0ver you.... cheers~ MABUHAY KAYO
p.s can you upload ALIMANGO again, pls? it's no longer avaiLable. i think others would wanna hear it as weLL.
a fan of Pinoy rock,
Fredda from the PhiliPPines
At Friday, September 22, 2006 4:47:00 PM,
eLf ideas said…
Miss Fredda,
Thank you very much for regarding highly my erstwhile band Half Life Half Death. Read my new entries; I mentioned your message in one of them. I'll be re-uploading some HLHD songs in the coming days, as soon as Iget a less busy day.
At Wednesday, December 26, 2007 2:52:00 PM,
Unknown said…
I'm very glad to finally stumble upon your blog!
At Tuesday, March 02, 2010 4:51:00 PM,
theguywhowrote said…
You indite what you think and I write what I think. Check out my blog
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